Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Isabella Soprano Cathouse Online

Lazio to the north

The Viking officially born in Northern Italy at Lazio - Brescia 94/95, the fusion of the nuclei of Piedmont and Lombardy Viking Lazio, the latter operating since the 1989/1990 season. We are born with the express purpose of bringing together under common signs all the guys who support residents in northern Italy with Lazio ultras mentality (as well as we work some traditional clubs, but this is a 'something else ..). .

The need a group of ultras reference to the Lazio fans living in the north has brought many years ago some guys in the founding of the sections of the major groups of Lazio: Eagles sect. Milan, sez.Veneto ...
sunset, the glory of these "cells" were responsible for the current 's idea to bring together the old and new fans of Lazio behind a single name: "North Legion", a group completely independent of other major groups of the north curve.

After the contacts have taken place in the succession of boys from Piedmont and Lombardy, and the birth of the relevant sections "Piedmont" and "Lombardy" operating separately for two years or so, came the merger of the two sections in a single mobilization ultras: The Viking North Italy.

Currently, the group that a presence in all travel to the North and the Centre of Italy SSLazio and all 'Olympic meeting in cartel or greater rivalry, as well as in the European travel allow us to tackle our finances, has its headquarters in Turin and military sees in it a number of activists from various locations in the North. The style that we are seeking and 'rather casual, to put it to' English (although we are proud to be Italian) ... pretty elite group, strong bonds of friendship, a zine and a website.

Greetings to all groups following the SS Lazio, twin, friends and all the real ultras!

The Board Viking Nord Lazio Italy


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