Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jolen Bleach Instructions

The vertical bagging machines (commonly abbreviated in English with VFFS or vertical form fill and seal machine) are machines to manufacture the product by wrapping it in a tube is sealed.
impianto completo di confezionamento in buste con sistema di caricamento a canali vibranti del prodotto da confezionare. The reel of film dell'incarto is transformed into a plastic tube through a variety of dosing systems the product is discharged into the pipe and is then cut and seal the tube containing the product thus achieving an envelope with 3 welds.
Examples of these are the packs of candy, chips , filled pasta ... etc.
system for the realization of the weld can be hot or pulse depending on the material that is used ( polypropylene and polyethylene or laminated materials).
The supply of product to be packaged is dropped. They can be used scales Vibrating channels , multihead scales, auger fillers or cup etc ... The type of power must be determined according to the characteristics of the product to be packaged.
In the picture you can see a complete system for packaging in bags with a loading system vibrating channels of the product to be packaged.

For more information: http://www.lpspack.com/


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